Use the power of compressed air to keep the interior walls of kilns, silos, hoppers and chutes free of obstructions.

Air cannons being installedWhen bulk material builds up inside kilns, silos, bins, hoppers, chutes and other equipment and stops flowing due to obstructions and ratholes, the best way to keep it moving is with an air cannon manufactured by Martin Engineering. Air cannons are highly effective with materials like coal, cement and aggregate, especially if they retain even small amounts of moisture and become sticky.

At Martin, we offer a line of air cannons that ensures you’ll find one that fits your needs, whether your application requires powerful bursts of air every few seconds to products that deliver shorter more frequent bursts. We also offer multi-valve products that discharge at up to five delivery points through pipes or hoses to accommodate tight spaces.

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on these products and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!

Available Models
Download Our Air Cannon Brochure
Looking for in-depth information on air cannons? Our brochure includes powerful solutions for putting material in motion.
Download The Brochure

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